The 7 Signs of a Healthy and Happy Relationship

Relationships should make you feel good about yourself, your partner, and the relationship most of the time. As social beings, we rely on relationships to thrive and survive. Just like we need food and shelter, we also have a natural drive to connect with others. Strong, healthy relationships are crucial in improving your overall physical … Read more

How to Know if Your Relationship Is Moving Too Fast and What to Do About It

Sometimes, when you rush into a relationship, there are signs that things are moving too quickly. But you might ignore these signs because the feelings of happiness and excitement make you overlook them. This can sometimes lead to an unhealthy relationship. Every relationship is unique. Some people fall in love instantly, while others prefer to … Read more

Keeping the Spark Alive: Tips for a Happy and Successful Long-Distance Marriage

If you find the idea of a long-distance marriage scary, you’re not alone. Being far from your partner can be one of the toughest challenges a couple faces. But here’s the truth: Many people unexpectedly end up in long-distance relationships. Life can be unpredictable, and part of choosing the right partner is being ready for … Read more

How to Have a Conversation with Your Partner About Their Family

In relationships, there are some topics that are really tough to talk about. One of those tricky subjects is dealing with each other’s families. Dealing with your partner’s family can be complicated. Even when you know your own family has issues, it’s common to get defensive and protective of them. This makes it hard to … Read more

How to React When Your Partner Proposes an Open Relationship

If you’re in a committed and monogamous relationship, you might have questions if your partner suggests having an open relationship. To understand this better, knowing what an open relationship means is crucial. According to experts like Elisabeth Sheff, Ph.D., and Isadora Alman, an open relationship allows partners to have romantic, emotional, and sexual connections with … Read more

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Arguing with Your Spouse

All couples have disagreements. Whether you’re married, engaged, or just starting to date, it’s normal for humans in romantic relationships to have arguments. While occasional disagreements are okay, experts warn about common mistakes couples make when they’re in the middle of a fight. Anne Appel, a licensed clinical professional counselor and couples and family therapist … Read more

The Best Age Gap for a Happy and Fulfilling Relationship

When you start dating someone new, you consider various factors like values, attraction, personality, and interests to see if you’re compatible. But one factor you might not have thought about is the age gap between you and your partner. It’s been said that having a big age gap, like ten years or more, can lead … Read more